Théorie des transitions, théorie de l’inertie
This fifth edition (June 16th 2023) also featured a contribution from LAMARTRA/ULB. Transitions research clarifies well how digitalisation connects decarbonisation and labour-related transformations. It highlights the multiple kinds of innovations involved. As such it also underlines the potentials for ‘smart’ solutions to environmental challenges, and the scope for digital tools and digitally-supported collaboration. The presentation…
Read MoreBelgium Day for Labour Economists
The event, held at the Planning Bureau in Brussels, was part of a one-day conference attended by around 70 people and focused on various aspect of the (Belgian) labour market. During his presentation, Arthur discussed the methods and findings of the study (co-authored jointly with Mikkel Barslund), which analyses the extent and characteristics of green…
Read MoreSeminar ‘Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée’
Our intention in organizing this seminar was to lay the foundations for a shared analysis of the dynamics generated by the appropriation of the “Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée” in Belgium. After having identified a broad consensus around the aims of the experimentation during the introduction provided jointly by Isabelle Ferreras (sociologist and political…
Read MoreOn work and ‘democratization transition’
In her inaugural lecture for the Henri Janne chair at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, prof. Isabel Ferreras explained how the organisation of work is not only about work itself – it is the convergence point between a range of societal crises such as widespread mental exhaustion, ecological crisis, declining trust, and the resurgence of…
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