[work package 7]

Valorisation, Dissemination, Exploitation of results

Scientific publications [wp7]

Deliverables [wp7]

D 7.1.1 Bridging decarbonization and labour market in sustainability transitions (state-of-the-art)

This deliverable presents the D7.1.1 ‘Policy review on the foundations of ‘bridging two transitions’ (summary of task 2.2 for a policy audience)’. The report describes the societal context in which the bridging of  ‘decarbonization’ and ‘labour’ transitions becomes urgent. Introducing LAMARTRA reseach questions and the main existing insights and answers regarding these questions, the literature review further addresses the analytical, methodological and normative fragmentation in the (scientific and policy) discourse on the topic. The review concludes with an outline of future research contributions and expected policy recommendations. The key contribution will reside in the development of ‘policy mixes’ that help deal with the ‘dual transition’ challenges.


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Work package 0 (hidden)


Coordination, management and reporting


Towards integrative theory and comprehensive transitions policy mixes.


Mapping the impact of the low-carbon transition on workers


Anticipating low-carbon/labour pathways in salient selected sectors


Engaging with transition politics at the workplace


Data management plan


Valorisation, Dissemination, Exploitation of results