
On work and ‘democratization transition’

Inaugural lecture by prof. Isabelle Ferreras (21/04/22)


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Maybe the LAMARTRA investigations into the 'labour/decarbonisation' transition are also very much about a democratization transition?

In her inaugural lecture for the Henri Janne chair at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, prof. Isabel Ferreras explained how the organisation of work is not only about work itself – it is the convergence point between a range of societal crises such as widespread mental exhaustion, ecological crisis, declining trust, and the resurgence of antidemocratic sentiments. Working in the Frankfurt school tradition (except for her very accessible and empirically concrete exposition!), prof. Ferreras elaborated how firms are not necessarily so different from other organisations. They can very well be organized through familiar principles of countervailing powers, inclusion, and collective intelligence. Students can look forward to a lecture series that combines critical diagnosis with analysis of experimentation, social innovation, and the practical experiences with alternatives.