About the project
Lamartra team
LAMARTRA is an ambitious interdisciplinary collaboration that reaches over the edges of sustainability transitions research and studies of work and employment.
The governance of the ‘dual transition’ calls for integrative insight: The five consortium partners therefore seek to combine their cutting-edge expertise on sustainability transitions, foresight studies, labour economics and the sociology of work.

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Institut de Gestion de l'Environnement et d'Aménagement du Territoire (IGEAT), SOcio-eNvironmental dYnAmics Research Group (SONYA)

Louis Florin
Louis is postdoctoral researcher at SONYA-ULB and joined LAMARTRA in March 2024 to cover ULB coordination role and the work on WP2. Louis obtained a Ph.D. in Social and Political Science from the University of Liège. His research work focused on new forms of employment, labour market statistics and social protection. Beyond academia, he has experience as public policy evaluator participating in evaluation of EU and UN agencies development policies and strategies. Prior to working as a researcher, I graduated from a double degree master program from the University of Liège (Political Science) and Maastricht University (European Studies on Society, Science and Technology)

Tyane Storme
Tyane Storme finished a master in Science of Population and Development at the ULB in 2022. Interested in inclusive and participatory environmental decision making, she wrote a thesis “Changing environmental subjectivities: a case study on a deliberative mini-public in Denmark”, which was awarded with the HERA-award for sustainable democracy by the Fondation pour les générations futures. Through her interneship at Dreamocracy – Collective Intelligence for the Common Good she gained experience in deliberative processes and citizen participation. Moving away from the deliberative democracy field, she is now part of the SONYA team, where she is in charge of carrying out the field work of WP2.

dr. Fanny Lajarthe
Dr. Fanny Lajarthe is a post-doctoral researcher at the Socio-Environmental Dynamics Research group (Sonya) at ULB. She has a background in environmental science and management, as well as in European politics. Although her research is mainly focused on climate justice activism, she has also worked on other topics, such as transformation processes.
Fanny has formed part of the ULB LAMARTRA team from June 2022 to June 2023.

prof. Tom Bauler
Tom Bauler holds the Chair “Environment & Economy” at ULB. Ecological economist leaning towards Science- Technology-Society – studies (STS), Tom is exploring the role of policy instruments and tools in the environmental policy domain. Emphasis is given to questions relating to the place, insertion, use and impact of policy dynamics, discourses, instruments and tools (e.g. indicators, scenario exercises). Tom is also a member of the FNRS Contact Group “Redéfinir la prosperité”.

Dr. Aurore Fransolet
Dr. Aurore Fransolet is a post-doctoral researcher at the SOcio-eNvironmental dYnAmics Research Group (SONYA) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She has a background in environmental science and management. Her research focuses on the governance and politics of sustainability transitions, and on the social justice issues associated with such transitions. She develops interdisciplinary, systemic, and prospective approaches on transition processes. Through her empirical work, Aurore has acquired solid expertise on decarbonization strategies and policies in Belgium.
Aurore Fransolet has formed part of the ULB LAMARTRA team from July 2021 until March 2022.

dr. Bonno Pel
Dr. Bonno Pel is a researcher/lecturer at the Socio-Environmental Dynamics Research group (SONYA) at ULB since 2014. He did his studies at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (NL) in environmental planning (MSc.) and political philosophy (MA). He holds a PhD in social sciences. His doctoral research at the Governance of Complex Systems research group (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (NL), dep. public administration) addressed the governance of system innovation in the Dutch traffic management field. His research is focused on the governance and politics of societal transitions. Bonno has studied and published on such transformation processes in areas as diverse as traffic management, the unconditional Basic Income, social enterprises, delta area management, driverless vehicles, sustainable festivals, circular economy, and energy citizenship.
Bonno has formed part of the ULB LAMARTRA team from February 2021 to december 2023.

Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires, Démocratie, Institutions, Subjectivité (CRIDIS)

Mathilde Hamici
After a few years as a software developer, Mathilde Hamici has changed careers and is now studying for a master’s degree in sociology at UCLouvain. She is currently working as an intern with the LAMARTRA WP5 team at the research center Cridis (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires, Démocratie, Institutions, Subjectivité) in the UCLouvain’s research institute IACCHOS. Her interests include democracy at work and climate change.

dr. Julien Charles
Julien holds a PhD in Social and Political Sciences (UCLouvain & EHESS). He is a lecturer at UCLouvain, research coordinator at CESEP (Centre Socialiste d’Education Permanente), researcher of the CriDIS (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires Democratie, Institutions, Subjectivité) and member of the FNRS Contact Group “Redéfinir la prosperité”. His work, inscribed in the field of a political sociology of work, deals with democratic, social and ecological experimentations at work, aiming to respond to the issues raised by the end of the Fordism.

Thibault Crismer
Thibault Crismer holds a bachelor’s degree in Human and Social Sciences from the University of Liège. He is currently a master’s student in Sociology at UCLouvain and an intern at the TED_CriDIS (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires Démocratie, Institutions, Subjectivité_IACCHOS_UCLouvain) working on the LAMARTRA WP5 case studies. Thibault is working on his master’s thesis in the framework of LAMARTRA under the supervision of Prof. Isabelle Ferreras.
Thibault Crismer has been an intern student in the UCLouvain Team from October 2022 to July 2023.

Sebastián Pérez Sepúlveda
Sebastián Pérez Sepúlveda holds a PhD and a MSc in Sociology from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), he also has a background in political philosophy. Sebastián is currently a post-Doctoral researcher of the CriDIS (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires Démocratie, Institutions, Subjectivité) at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain). He has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences sociales (IRISSO) of the Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and an associated professor at the Université Le Havre Normandie. His research focuses on the political and social dimensions of the contemporary transformations of work, mainly in the Global South.

prof. Isabelle Ferreras
Isabelle Ferreras is a senior tenured fellow (Maître de recherches) of the Belgian National Science Foundation (F.N.R.S., Brussels). She is professor of sociology at the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) where she teaches at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, at the Institut des sciences du travail and at the Economics School of Louvain. Isabelle is involved as a permanent researcher of the CriDIS (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires Democracy, Institutions, Subjectivity). Since 2004, she has been an associate of the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, MA) where she is now a Senior Research Associate. In the Spring 2017, Ferreras was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts of Belgium (Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique), Class Technology and Society. For the years 2021-2022, Isabelle Ferreras is Elected Director of the Class Technology and Society and President of the Royal Academy of Belgium. Furthermore, Isabelle is member of the FNRS Contact Group “Redéfinir la prosperité”.

KU Leuven, Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid (HIVA)

Ilse Tobback
Ilse Tobback is a senior researcher at HIVA-KU Leuven within the research group Work, Organisation and Social Dialogue. She holds a doctoral degree in Applied Economics from the KU Leuven campus Brussels. Ilse works on various topics related to education and the labour market in both Belgium and the EU.

Arthur Apostel
Arthur Apostel is a junior research associate at HIVA within the research group Work, Organisation and Social Dialogue. He holds an MSc in Ecological Economics from the University of Leeds and a BSc in Economics from the University of Ghent. His research interests include the economy-ecosystem link, inequality and labour market policy.

dr. Mikkel Barslund
Mikkel Barslund is a research manager in the Research Group Work, Organisation & Social Dialogue at HIVA-KU Leuven. He has an educational background in economics. Mikkel works on various topics related to the labour market in both Belgium and the EU. He is currently focusing on demographic ageing and the green transition.

dr. Karolien Lenaerts
Dr. Karolien Lenaerts is a research manager and head ad interim of the Research Group Work, Organisation & Social Dialogue at HIVA-KU Leuven. She has a background in economics. Her research focuses on the labour market impacts of global trends, with a particular emphasis on working and employment conditions and vulnerable groups.

Université de Liège/ Faculté de Droit, Science Politique & Criminologie/ SPIRAL

dr. Céline Parotte
Dr. Céline Parotte is Post-Doctoral Researcher FNRS/associate lecturer at Spiral Research Centre, RU Cité at the University of Liège. She has a background in public administration and political science and is an expert in participatory methods. She focused on the way controversial technological objects are governed and how these high-risk objects shape socio-political structures. Her research areas are in the intersection of STS, political and social sciences of energy and engineering such as radioactive waste, windmills, energy infrastructures management and control.

dr. Pierre Delvenne
Pierre Delvenne holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences of the University of Liège. He is currently Research Associate of the Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Lecturer at the University of Liège (Department of Political Science), and Director of SPIRAL Research Centre. Pierre has published extensively in his areas of expertise: Technology Assessment, bioeconomy in Europe and Latin America, more broadly, science and technology in society. Previously he was a visiting Research Fellow in King’s College University (United Kingdom), Harvard University (USA), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil), Universidad de Quilmes (Argentina) and University of Westminster (United Kingdom). Pierre is also a founding member of the Belgian Network for Science and Technology in Society Studies (BSTS).

Sarah Delvaux, MSc
Sarah holds a double master’s degree in Political Science, from the University of Liège and in European Studies on Society, Science and Technology from the University of Maastricht. Before joining the Spiral Research Center of the University of Liège, she worked for two years at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO/Energyville) as researcher (R&D) in energy and climate strategy at the unit “Smart Energy and the Built environment”. She worked on the policy and societal aspects of the integrated analysis of sustainable energy systems and was involved in interdisciplinary European and Flemish research projects. Sarah is currently doing a PhD in the framework of the LAMARTRA research project. She explores the co-production of innovation, politico-economic, and the socio-ecological orders (Jasanoff, 2004) in the context of promising innovative solutions and emerging markets towards sustainable modes of production in Belgium.

Institut wallon de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la statistique (IWEPS)

prof. Sébastien Brunet
Prof. Brunet has a PhD in Political Science and Public Administration. He is the head of the Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Foresight and Statistics (IWEPS) and professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Liège. His research and teaching areas include science-‐society interactions, qualitative methodological issues, Technology Assessment, participatory democracy, emergency planning and crisis management as well as public policy evaluation and foresight. His expertise has led him to carry out several missions abroad and to present his research at numerous national and international congresses, conferences and symposiums. He also created three inter-‐university teaching certificates in foresight, Public policy assessment and in crisis

dr. Vincent Calay
Vincent has a PhD in Political and Social Sciences, and is a senior researcher at IWEPS. He conducts research in futures studies and is an expert in the design of participatory methods in foresight
research. In recent years, Vincent gained experience in specific topics related to the future of work (Digitalisation of Work) as well as in circular economy and transition . He has published several papers. on these topics. He often collaborates with Futuribles International, a French independent nresearch institute in Futures Studies. Prior to working at IWEPS, he has been a senior researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, at the Université de Liège and at Sciences Po Paris.
Follow-up committee
The follow-up committee ensures that the LAMARTRA policy mixes will be relevant, grounded in practice and sufficiently up-to-date regarding the latest developments.
The committee gathers a wealth of experience: It comprises experts from academia, government as well as various social partners in the dual transition.