Lamartra publications & resources
Here you can find all our scientific publications, blog articles and deliverables.
Scientific publications
Diversifying deep transitions
A deeper sense of urgency: a plea for responsible exnovation
Transition ‘backlash’
Lost in the Dual Transition
Blog articles
Deliverable 4.2.1 Exploratory interview methodological protocol
This deliverable D.4.2.1 kick starts the qualitiative fieldwork of WP4 “Anticipating low-carbon/labour pathways in salient selected sectors”. This involves the empirical exploration of possible and desirable futures in the salient economic sectors selected for LAMARTRA case studies. This qualitative analysis follows the methods of the sociology of expectations as applied often in innovation studies, exploring actors’ expectations of the future (Brown and Michael 2003), through a combination of interviews and workshops.
D.4.1.1 ‘Internal research note foresight studies of transitions and change in labour market’
This deliverable connects to WP 4 ‘Anticipating low-carbon/labour pathways in salient selected sectors’. The aim of this WP is to bridge quantitative and qualitative data by conceptualizing and managing the setting up of a foresight methodology: WP4 aims at identifying desirable futures as well as at describing the pathways to reach them for each of the four cases of the LAMARTRA project. This document is a deliverable of Task 4.1 ‘Literature Review: inventory of anticipated transitions’. It includes an ‘Internal research note foresight studies of transitions and change in labour market’ (D.4.1.1) and initial suggestions toward an ‘Internal research note grey literature related to transitions and change in labour market’ (D.4.1.2.).
D.4.1.2 Internal research note grey literature related to transitions and change in labor market
This document reports an ‘Internal research note
foresight studies of transitions and change in labour market’. The aim of this WP is to develop desirable low-carbon/ labour futures and the
pathways to reach them, for each of the four cases of the LAMARTRA project, through
the conceptualization and the setting up (and its management) of a foresight
exercise. The ambition of this foresight exercise is to move beyond continuity-based
(Raskin & Swart, 2020), business-as-usual exercises focusing on either the
environmental or the labour aspects and expert-dominated, ‘technocratic’ foresight that
ignores situated experiences, fears and hopes of transitions. By contrast, the foresight
exercise as we see it encompasses both the environmental and labour aspects of
transitions and includes both expert and non-expert knowledge. It also seeks to bridge
quantitative (WP3) and qualitative data (WP4), and to inform consistent and
comprehensive transitions strategies and federal-level policies (cross-sectorial, multilevel
governance, short- and long-term).
D2.3.1 Methodological protocol for transitions governance analysis
This deliverable presents the methodological guidelines for the empirical research on transitions governance (WP2). It develops the general framework on the selection and demarcation of cases (deliverable 2.1.1) into a research protocol for this specific line of empirical research. The report provides a research design, specifying case demarcations, research foci, empirical questions, planning and data gathering methods.
D2.1.1 Internal research note on case selection/demarcation (salient sectors)
This deliverable presents the results of consortium discussions on case selection, case demarcation and empirical research. It identifies project-level and work package-specific criteria and considerations on this issues. The document presents a framework to ensure convergence across work packages. It serves as a point of reference for the further development of methodological protocols and case study guidelines in the first half of 2022.