Tyane Storme

Tyane Storme finished a master in Science of Population and Development at the ULB in 2022. Interested in inclusive and participatory environmental decision making, she wrote a thesis “Changing environmental subjectivities: a case study on a deliberative mini-public in Denmark”, which was awarded with the HERA-award for sustainable democracy by the Fondation pour les générations…

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dr. Fanny Lajarthe

Dr. Fanny Lajarthe is a post-doctoral researcher at the Socio-Environmental Dynamics Research group (Sonya) at ULB. She has a background in environmental science and management, as well as in European politics. Although her research is mainly focused on climate justice activism, she has also worked on other topics, such as transformation processes. Fanny has formed…

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prof. Tom Bauler

Tom Bauler holds the Chair “Environment & Economy” at ULB. Ecological economist leaning towards Science- Technology-Society – studies (STS), Tom is exploring the role of policy instruments and tools in the environmental policy domain. Emphasis is given to questions relating to the place, insertion, use and impact of policy dynamics, discourses, instruments and tools (e.g.…

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Dr. Aurore Fransolet

Dr. Aurore Fransolet is a post-doctoral researcher at the SOcio-eNvironmental dYnAmics Research Group (SONYA) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She has a background in environmental science and management. Her research focuses on the governance and politics of sustainability transitions, and on the social justice issues associated with such transitions. She develops interdisciplinary, systemic,…

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dr. Bonno Pel

Dr. Bonno Pel is a researcher/lecturer at the Socio-Environmental Dynamics Research group (SONYA) at ULB since 2014. He did his studies at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (NL) in environmental planning (MSc.) and political philosophy (MA). He holds a PhD in social sciences. His doctoral research at the Governance of Complex Systems research group (Erasmus Universiteit…

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